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AWH Bedding Store





Hi and welcome to the bedding store! Here we give you numerous options for the bedding your horse uses. Not all horses need to have bedding(if they live outdoors). However all partially boarded horses and over need to have some type of bedding on the ground. If your boarding stable doesn't offer bedding then you will have to buy it and have it shipped there. Also be sure to check our featuressectionf for great deals and sales of the month!

When you are ready to make an order please email Alex( the following information:

* How many stalls you are ordering for
* What type of bedding you want
* What stable the bedding is to be shipped to
* A check

* Rice Hulls *
Advantages: Soft, Very Abosorbent, light
Disadvantages: Expensive
Cost: $50.00 per stall or $2,300.00 a truckload

* Sawdust *
Advantages: Soft, Warm
Disadvantages: Must be shoveled often, Drying to hooves
Cost: $35.00 per stall or $1,650.00 per truckload

* Straw *
Advantages: Very absorbent, Not dusty
Disadvantages: Slimy when wet
Cost: $20.00 per stall or $900.00 per truckload

* Sand *
Advantages: Cheap
Disadvantages: Scrachy, Dusty, May cause Sand Colic
Cost: $15.00 per stall or $650.00 per truckload

Each truckload has enough bedding for 50 stalls

To order bedding e-mail Alex.